An Update At Last! With Pictures!

Hi everyone, it’s me, Roy! Woof!

It’s been such a long time since my Mummy last updated my blog. I really wanted to get it started again, because I know everyone is missing me, and since I’m a big boy now and have been doing such a good job with my Facebook page, Mummy says I can handle the blog on my own as well. Hooray!

So here’s a quick summary of my life and adventures so far. I turned 2 in January, so I’m all grown up now. My obedience classes are going well (in fact I’ve just come back from one) and I’m loving my agility classes too! I have a new activity to add – Heelwork to Music! I do that every Thursday, and have been learning all kinds of new tricks. I get to jump around, walk backwards and everything, and best of all, I get yummy sausage and duck treats!! And don’t tell anyone, but… sometimes, when no one is looking, and if I’m quick enough, I sneak up to other people in the class and grab some of their treats too!! Heeheehee!!! Shhh…

What else? Oh, I’m going to be a model! That’s right, I’ve been thinking about my career options lately (since I’m a big dog and everything). I did briefly consider becoming a police dog, but when I visited the police station, the officer there made a fuss of me and spoke to me in a baby voice! I was so embarrassed; obviously he saw me as a cute dog instead of a potential colleague. Looking back on it, I guess it was for the best, because I’m not very brave and I think a lot of the things police dogs have to do would be quite scary. For instance, I once saw a police dog walking along, when a banner near him flapped!!!! I thought he would hide behind his human’s legs for sure, but he didn’t even blink!! He was so brave.

Anyway, I reviewed my skill set and I think show business is right for me. I love posing for photos and doing tricks, and everyone tells me I’m very handsome. Mummy supported my ambitions, and one of her friends has a husband who is a photographer, so he kindly helped us out with taking some pictures for my portfolio. If you follow me on Facebook then you’ll already have seen them, but if you haven’t, here they are:

Roy sheltie photoshoot

Roy sheltie photoshoot 2

Roy sheltie photoshoot 3

This is my favourite blanket! You can’t see it but it has my name embroidered on it.


Roy sheltie photoshoot 4

Roy sheltie photoshoot 5

Roy sheltie photoshoot 6

I love this trick! It’s also fun to practise it when Mummy is doing push ups, or the plank.


Roy sheltie photoshoot 7 shake paw

I was a little confused when I did this. We don’t normally shake paws for so long! But now I get it. We have a nice photo!


Roy sheltie photoshoot 8 shake paw

Roy sheltie photoshoot 9 bow

If you want to be a polite dog, you need to learn how to bow and shake paws with people you meet.


For these two photos, we experimented with different coloured backgrounds. Unfortunately the paper in the studio was a little dirty, but I’m putting these up anyway because I still look cute, right?

Roy sheltie photoshoot 10

Roy sheltie photoshoot 11

Roy sheltie photoshoot 12 Jump

Look at me fly!


I hope you liked them! I think it’s time for a nap now. Did I do a good job with my first blog post? Bye!

Roy at Agility Training!


I’ve made a movie! My parents visited us in July, and my dad took videos of Roy’s agility lesson. Have a look to see me, Roy, and our wonderful trainer Rhoda Burdett in action!

Agility, Travels, and More!

With summer on the way, Roy has been having lots of fun in the sun!

Laughing Roy the sheltie

Roy happy

Roy sheltie summer breeze

He’s also performing brilliantly in his agility classes:

Lovely wrap around a cone!

Lovely wrap around a cone!

"I see the toy! I see it!"

“I see the toy! I see it!”

Go, Roy, go!!

Go, Roy, go!!

Last week, we took a trip to Marc’s family home on the Wirral, where Roy discovered a summer romance.


Here is Roy with Dora, a Miniature Schnauzer who has stolen Roy's heart

Here is Roy with Dora, a Miniature Schnauzer who has stolen Roy’s heart

They were virtually inseparable the whole time we were there

They were virtually inseparable the whole time we were there

Isn't young love beautiful?

Isn’t young love beautiful?

But don’t think Roy spent the whole holiday on dalliances — he also made time for self-improvement:

He learnt to play the piano!

There was a piano in the room, so Roy decided that he simply must learn how to play.

He may have got a little ahead of himself; he even started practising how he would pose for photographs, once he became a famous musician.

He may have got a little ahead of himself; he even started practising how he would pose for photographs, once he became a famous musician.

Of course he mustn’t forget his beauty sleep:

Roy sheltie sleep

Roy sheltie sleep

To finish off, here’s a picture of his adorable face:



Roy Goes To Sheltie Camp

Wow! What a great day we’ve had at Sheltie camp! We left the house at 8.30 this morning, and have just returned half an hour ago, at 10pm. Roy had an amazing time — there was so much to do, so many Shelties and people to meet!

First, Roy had a go at some obedience training:

Roy sit

Roy doing heelwork with obedience trainer Peter

Roy doing heelwork with obedience trainer Peter

Practising his heelwork

More heelwork practice

Walking on lead

Walking on lead

Sometimes, Roy pauses in his training to ruminate on his good looks.

Sometimes, Roy pauses in his training to ruminate on his good looks.

Around noon, Roy sat to have his lunch and watch some older agility dogs at work.

"Feed me, I'm a good boy!"

“Feed me, I’m a good boy!”

Then it was Roy’s turn to do agility! He behaved perfectly throughout, getting on and sitting on a wobble cushion, walking over poles on the ground, recalls through wings, and racing through a tunnel. He was also introduced to the seesaw for the first time:

"I see you have some food. Can I have it?"

“I see you have some food. Can I have it?”

"Why are you putting the food there? I'd prefer it if you put it in my mouth instead..."

“Why are you putting the food there? I’d prefer it if you put it in my mouth instead…”

"Fine, I'll get on it... Yeah I got the food!"

“Fine, I’ll get on it… Yeah I got the food!”

Next, it was time for fun and games! Roy got to play with various Nina Ottosson puzzle toys, pushing blocks and pulling pieces out to get at hidden treats. There was also a big pool of balls which Roy was a bit too small to climb into, though he did manage to climb onto and sit on the edge! He proved to be a genius, especially with the Dog Finder, where he needed to slide the blocks to ‘unlock’ them first, before the blocks could be pulled out and the treat uncovered:


Working on the ‘Dog Finder’



He also practised finding car keys, and has already learnt to go down in front of it when he finds it! Who knows what wondrous treasure lies buried, just waiting for Roy to unearth it?

"I'm Roy the Sheltie, Mighty Pirate!"

“I’m Roy the Sheltie, Mighty Pirate!”

As a future agility superstar, Roy was soon drawn back to the excitement of tunnels, seesaws and jumps. His confidence on the seesaw grew, and he walked about a quarter of the way across it, even managing to do a sit and down on cue while on it. He did more running over jump bumps, and of course his favourite, the tunnel!

Roy emerging triumphant from the tunnel to grab his Foxy toy!

Roy emerging triumphant from the tunnel to grab his Foxy toy!

There was a raffle going on too, which Roy bought a ticket for. Although our number won nothing, the winner of a rope tug toy told us that her dog didn’t like playing tug, so kindly offered it to Roy instead! What a lucky pup!



“I love tug!! I love it I love it!!”

The day ended with a dinner of fish and chips (for us, not Roy). He shared a pen with Brooke and Brodie, Rhoda’s shelties:


While he was in the pen with his new friends, Roy decided it was a good time to have a poo. It was hilarious — Brooke and Brodie immediately retreated to the far corner of the pen, away from the poo, while Roy bounced around the rest of the pen perfectly oblivious to his little faux pas!


Perhaps Brooke is whispering some pooing etiquette into Roy’s ear there?

What a long day for a tiny puppy! Are you tired, Roy?


“Zzzzzzzzzz… did you say something?”


First Agility Lesson!

“Food, food, food… Must concentrate on the food…”

“Can I have the treat? Can I? Can I?”


Sniff sniff

This picture doesn't do justice to Roy's love of the tunnel; he was excellent at it, went racing through every time!

Haha, Roy’s looking suspicious in this photo.. This doesn’t do justice to his love of the tunnel though; he was excellent at it, went racing through every time!


Ending the lesson with a cuddle from trainer Rhoda Burdett!

Photos From Yesterday’s Walk

Sheltie puppy Roy

Sheltie puppy walking woods



Roy Sheltie Puppy

Roy in the Woods

Roy has a new favourite place – Trent Country Park, which, according to their website, boasts “rolling meadows, enchanting brooks, exquisite lakes, ancient woodland, and imposing historical sites”. Hooray! Best of all, it’s only a 10 minute drive away from us.

Roy loves to explore the woods. The park is so large that we’ve only seen a fraction of it, and haven’t found any brooks or lakes yet, never mind enchanting or exquisite ones. What we’ve seen of the woods, though, has been lovely:


Sheltie Roy in the Woods 1

Roy in the woods 2

Roy in the woods 3

Photo 24-04-2014 15 00 14

Roy in the woods 4

Roy in the woods 5

Roy decides that the camera is very suspicious...

“That camera… it’s very suspicious…”

And in the silence and seclusion of the woods, Roy revealed a side we’d never seen before… Evil Roy!!

Photo 24-04-2014 15 00 17

“I’m watching you…”

He even found a weapon for himself.

He even found a weapon for himself.


Then it’s back home for snuggles and R & R:

Someone really likes his cardboard tubes.

Someone really likes his cardboard tubes.

"Do you like my new nose?"

“I made myself a new nose!”

"Isn't it time for me to have some food?"

“Isn’t it time for me to have some food?”

"Changed my mind, it's time for a nap. Goodnight everyone!"

“Changed my mind, it’s time for a nap. Goodnight everyone!”

Puppy Days

Happy Easter! Today marks the fourth week that Roy has spent with me, and I’m caught between disbelief at how quickly the time has gone, and feeling as if I’ve had him forever. The Roy-less days seem so distant to me now, I can’t imagine a morning where my alarm going off was not accompanied by the sound of excited scrambling of puppy feet, or reading on the sofa without a warm, fluffy weight leaning on me. In four weeks Roy has grown so much, just this week he graduated from Puppy Kindergarten, which means that he’ll now be moving up to proper puppy classes, in training for his Puppy Foundation qualification. Woo!

Well done Roy!

Well done Roy!


Over the past four weeks Roy has experienced many firsts — first visit to the groomers, first on-lead walk, first splash in the bath, etc — and he’s taken them in his stride. He’s not a big fan of large, boisterous dogs but loves people, and people seem to love him too! Whenever we’re out on a walk, everyone stops to admire him, and cries of “How sweet! He’s so cute!” are music to Roy’s little ears.

And now for the best part of this blog post: Roy pictures!


9 weeks old:

Sheltie Roy 7

Sheltie Roy DSC00800

“More pictures? I’m trying to have a nap!”

I never knew just how tasty my trousers were.

I never knew just how tasty my trousers were.

Roy made a new friend!

Roy made a new friend!

Cheeky monkey

Cheeky monkey


10 weeks old:

A comfy bed is the best place to be!

A comfy bed is the best place to be!

Looking rather regal here

Looking rather regal here

If Roy had his way, that fox would never leave his mouth

If Roy had his way, that fox would never leave his mouth

11 weeks:

Out in the fields!

In the fields!

Out on the wiley, windy moors... we'd roll and fall in green...

Out on the wiley, windy moors… we’d roll and fall in green…  (Sorry, I couldn’t resist)

Roy being a very good boy

Roy being a very good boy

Roy being a very naughty boy

Roy being a very naughty boy

Roy practising his acrobatic skills

Roy practising his acrobatic skills

"Can you fix my bed please? Someone ruined it...I don't know who."

“Can you fix my bed please? Someone ruined it…I don’t know who.”

Roy is ever hopeful for some food

Ever hopeful for some food

Chomp chomp chomp

Chomp chomp chomp!


And finally, Roy’s first attempt at getting kibble out of the Kong Wobbler. I think he did pretty well! These days he’s an expert at it, though you should see him when he’s trying to get that last bit out… that’s when the grumbling and squeals of outrage begin! Haha!

Stay tuned for more Roy goodness!


Home Sweet Home

My little bundle of Roy is finally home! Picked him up on Sunday, and we’ve been inseparable ever since. As I type this, he’s taking a nap just beneath my chair, and judging by his twitchy paws, I think he’s having a nice puppy dream. Everything has been new to him, but he’s settled in remarkably well, and gets more and more playful everyday!

First night in bed

First night in his new home

Roy with Foxy, one of his favourite tuggy toys. Don't let his tiny size and cute appearance fool you -- this puppy is strong!

Roy with Foxy, one of his favourite tuggy toys. Don’t let his tiny size and cute appearance fool you — this puppy is strong!

Those teeth need exercise to stay strong!

Those teeth need exercise to stay sharp and sparkly!

Roy really loves his kong, he'll play and chew on it even when there's nothing in it.

Roy really loves his kong, he’ll play and chew on it even when there’s nothing inside.

Of course, he soon finds that the kong has even higher levels of awesomeness! Yum!



He’s such an incredibly beautiful puppy, and he’s no amateur when it comes to modelling, either:

"Do you think I'm beautiful?"

“Do you think I’m beautiful?”

Roy got very curious about my camera at this point, and came over to check it out.

Roy’s very curious about my camera at this point, and is coming over to check it out.

Here he comes! Closer and closer...

Here he comes! He’s on a mission!

"What's this? What's this? A camera, you say? Can you take a picture of my nose?"

“What’s this? What’s this? A camera? What’s a camera? Can you take a picture of my nose?”

But he soon goes back to posing prettily.

But he soon goes back to posing prettily.

Very prettily!

Very prettily!

But all models need to take some time out to relax sometimes, and Roy is no exception. Here are some of his hobbies:

Roy greatly admires the workmanship of this carpet.

Admiring the workmanship of carpets. He likes to think of himself as a carpet connoisseur.

Creating art out of recycled cardboard

Creating art out of recycled cardboard

And most importantly, cuddling and taking naps!

And most importantly, cuddling and taking naps!

Welcome home Roy!


Introducing Roy, Adorable Sheltie Puppy Extraordinaire

Great news; Roy has been chosen! I’ve just returned from visiting him at Lian’s, and I can positively tell you that he is the cutest puppy the world has ever seen. Look at his little face –

Do you feel your heart melting? Do you??

Do you feel your heart melting? Do you??

Since we now know who Roy is, I thought I’d do a little photo series charting his growth from birth to his current 7 weeks. Most of the earlier pictures were taken by Lian, the later ones were taken by me and Marc when we visited yesterday. Get ready for some serious cuteness overload…

Roy as a newborn

Roy as a newborn

Roy, just a week old

Roy, just a week old

Roy at about 2 weeks

Roy at about 2 weeks, still pretending to be a mouse or hamster of some sort

At 3 weeks, Roy feels ready to start his fitness regime.

At 3 weeks, Roy feels ready to start his fitness regime.

He believes that a healthy body is the key to a happy life.

He believes that a healthy body is the key to a happy life.

Almost 4 weeks old now, Roy begins to explore the great outdoors.

Almost 4 weeks old now, Roy begins to explore the great outdoors.

See saws are great fun!

See saws are great fun!

At 5 weeks, Roy is bouncier than ever!

At 5 weeks, Roy is bouncier than ever!

6 weeks old, and Roy perfects the art of looking dignified.

6 weeks old, and Roy perfects the art of looking dignified.

6.5 weeks, and Roy is eager for new adventures!

6.5 weeks, and Roy is eager for new adventures!

Like finding this massive branch, and feeling the pride of accomplishment...

Like finding this massive branch, and feeling the pride of accomplishment…

And discovering the harshness of life, where thievery lurks around every corner!

And discovering the harshness of life, where thievery lurks around every corner!

Yesterday, two days before reaching his seventh week, Roy received a visit from two very special people.

The first of many gazes we will share <3

The first of many gazes we will share ❤

Roy with his new best friend

Roy with his new best friend

And with Marc, whose hair inspired Roy to achieve new levels of fluffiness

And with Marc, whose hair inspired Roy to achieve new levels of fluffiness

Roy discovered a natural talent for modelling

Roy discovered a natural talent for modelling

Despite there being lots of grass around him, Roy decided that getting at the tiny grass in the cracks was the mark of a true explorer.

Despite being surrounded by grassy fields, Roy decided that getting at the tiny grass in the cracks was the mark of a true explorer.

Toys are wonderful...

Toys are wonderful…


…But nothing beats a good kitchen roll!

And there he is: the most beautiful dog in the world.

And there he is: the most adorable dog in the world. ❤

Did someone just take a 2 second nap there?

(Did someone just take a 2 second nap there?)

This little furball will be coming home with me next Sunday. Are you excited too?